About Us

The Inept Artisan 

Who are we:
We are a husband and wife team of inept artisans.

We started this blog as a way to share with people our journey as we work to restore the former glory of our house. Our 3-year old son and dog may occasionally make appearances as well.

Why the name "Inept Artisan":
We played with many names for our blog but something that hit home for us was the reality that everything you know in life you learn. Whether you read it in a book, you were taught by someone or just tried until you succeed. We don't have formal training in home improvement or cooking, but these are things that we are learning and improving at.
Inept means having or showing no skill; clumsy
Artisan means a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.

What we write about:
We have really enjoyed learning to do projects ourselves. When we look at the cost of having someone come install floors or build a kitchen it doubles if not triples the cost of doing it yourself. So what we want to write about is how we are using our hands and talents to keep project costs down and learn something new in the process. We want to share our home renovation journey with you as well as our other pursuits that we are constantly seeking to improve.

What we do:

Writing for The Inept Artisan can be quite overwhelming. At times I feel like I am not sure who is reading. I am still finding my voice and figuring out the things to focus on. I really like the idea of being in a place of imperfection and striving to better yourself and your surroundings. There are so many parts to living this life as an inept artisan.


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